Cane Having Trouble Getting Pussy During The Pandemic HD
(Dallas, TX) KIK: Headspin22 - I Met 1 night and he was talking about how he hasn't had no pussy none this year and he don't Jack off... So of course i changed the convo i told him i would suck him on camera... At first he was like knaw knaw I'm good... Then we kept talkin and i saw him grab at his dick... I asked again and he thought about it... He took a sip and said the only reason I'm gone let u do it is cuz i haven't... I cut him off and said idc y ur doing it as long as ur dick ends up in my mouth! Lol! He was down... So we went around the corner from his job and i sucked him up and relieved his balls of their stress! Idk if i sucked his hearing out as well... Cuz he could hear me just fine before i sucked him! ?? idk... But he enjoyed it! And that was his cane in the view of the camera to the left fyi...
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