I have lots of balloons inflated. 12 inch balloons and a few 17 inch clear balloons. Should I pop them? Do you want to pop them with me? Okay, you pop some balloons, and I will pop some balloons. Are you ready? I nail pop balloons with my now longer nails. These balloons have no chance whatsoever! I dig my long nails into them, run my nail down along the side of them to pop them, and nail pop several as fast as I can. I also sit pop lots of balloons, and race to see how many balloons I can quickly sit pop!
Tags: Jeans Looners Balloon Fetish Balloon Popping Kylie Jacobs Sit Pop Balloons Sit2pop Balloons 17 Inch Balloons Sit Popping Balloons Kyliejacobs Quickly Pop Lots Of Balloons Pop Balloons Fast Tease To Pop Nail Pop Balloon Ntp Balloons 12 Inch Balloons Bouncing On Balloons Nail Popping Balloons Bounce Pop Balloons Categories: