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Jane Judge And Rickyxxxrails Magic The Gathering Horde Fight Episode 6 HD

94min 2sec

Welcome to Jane Plays Magic, where we hang out and play Magic the Gathering! In this episode Jane Judge and RickyxxxRails play some 60 card decks against The Horde. Horde is a game mode of Magic the Gathering where you team up to fight against basically an NPC deck that auto plays itself. We battle two Horde decks as originally made, and then we take on a freakish custom built amalgam vampire soldier horror Horde we made ourselves! Featuring RickyxxxRails, Jane Judge Horde Decks - Battle the Horde, Defeat a God Homebrew Vampire Soldier Horde 60 card dekcs- Ob Nixilis Precon with updates, Ally Homebrew deck Jane's Wishlist to Buy Tiny Things - Jane's Moxfield account- check out deck lists! SWAID Collective

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