Finding A Good Pro Diaper Fantasy Facilitator HD
A very LONG WINDED conversation about how to find a good pro-diaper fantasy facilitator and mitigate your risks of getting ripped off.<br>In short (really, this convo could have been a total of 6 minutes long)<br>1. Remove your emotions during the search process.<br>2. Vet them! Remember, they're working for you!<br>3. Communicate what you want out of the experience.<br>4. Do a video/text/voice session first. <br>5. If you don't have a good feeling, keep searching! <br><br> Finding a great facilitator who clicks with you might take some searching or traveling. Try out different people. And organize yourself and your thoughts before but also keep an open mind while you're meeting people. <br>Don't forget to have fun. YOLO!<br><br>Diaperperv can be found literally everywhere as Diaperperv.<br>JayBDL is Switchbacks on FL.