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There are 6 comments on the topic :"Ms. Natural Mixed Rican Gangbanged Deep Throat Nut Licked P2":loner kid @ Mars 11 years ago "Kinda sucks to see a beautiful girl like that get fucked n tortured by two animal sec machines.. I hope the pay was worth it for her, cuz that's a little disgraceful... But her choice, I hope"
Inessa @ Mars 7 years ago "Wow, they should suck on my tities and make my pussy wet and spermy"
Loner aka virgin @ Mars 9 years ago "She made three videos if your mom was there it would be four don't get cuckolded"
@loner kid @ Mars 9 years ago "It's fucking porn.... shutup you dumbass queer."
mr. ass @ Mars 11 years ago "She can get it"
Facts @ USA 1 year ago "Most of islander women are sluts. Cuban, Puerco Rican and Dominicunts women are mostly sluts. If you're dating one and she dont let you talk to her neighbors for what ever reason, then best know bc she don't want you to catch the news on her bringing in dudes. As a man it's your duty to be vigilant for many reasons and if you're just walking in and out your home or building like a horse with blinders on, then best know you're being walked. I seen so many pendexos thinking they good. Lol.."