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There are 25 comments on the topic :"Silicone Doll Preview":

pussy cat @ Mars 8 years ago "i waaaaant one!!!!!"

Uncanny Valley @ Mars 8 years ago "Just put a bag over her head so you don't get creeped out by her face."

sperm flowing @ Mars 8 years ago "Want one. Too bad these can cost thousands"

Woooooow @ Mars 7 years ago "Looks so real....if I came home high and it was on my bed like that, I would have the time of my life."

theDeviant @ USA 4 years ago "i think if one commits to buying a doll like this, that its safe to say you've given up on ever being with a real female. the last thing i want to do is clean a dead weight doll after busting a nut all over it or in it etc. she would be one dirty wrecked doll if i ever got this disperate. and thats not cost effective. lol"

even with @ Mars 9 years ago "Shit around the asshole"

Name of song?! @ USA 4 years ago "What song is this? So dope"

walid @ Mars 8 years ago "tenks good"

$$5400??? @ Mars 7 years ago "That shyt better talk and move by itself
Also get pregnant lol"

sergio11 @ Mars 8 years ago "Amazing!!!
no trouble with her face. she is pretty, so fuuuck off Uncanny Valley!"

Хуй @ Norway 4 years ago "how much is this lovely?"

We're this I want @ United Kingdom 4 years ago "We're this I want"

gaz @ Mars 8 years ago "Wow cool doll want one"

TakeMyCum @ Singapore 4 years ago "Not my proudest fap!"

alex @ Mars 9 years ago "Where do I get one of this doll"

Duke @ Mars 9 years ago "If you got in her pants, she'd have 2 assholes."

Adriano @ Brazil 5 years ago "Uma boneca dessa
É Sexo todos os dias, na hora que quiser e sem camisinha"

Perfeita!!! @ Brazil 4 years ago "isso sim é uma boneca de vdd!!!"

Anonymous @ Brazil 5 years ago "Qual o preço dela?
E qualidade prazo de entrega?"

Cambota @ Brazil 4 years ago "Essa aí é boa. Tem umas bonecas esquisitas que parece uma criança. Se a pessoa comprar elas acaba se passando por pedófilo sem mesmo nem saber. É horrível. Não sei como tem pessoas horríveis que tem coragem de fazer uma boneca daquelas com corpo e rosto de criança. É só usar um pouco mais de silicone e fazer um tamanho maior, pronto está resolvido."

Edwin @ Mexico 5 years ago "¿Cuánto por una así? Pero la quiero morena y chaparrita, caderona y nalgoncita."

Ciero una así pero blanca @ Mexico 5 years ago "Lo amó"

2-pac @ Morocco 5 years ago "تحية لسطالينغراد من هاد المنبر واحد مورا واحد و عرفكوم كاملين كفايتية خصوصا شاف و داك شيلبي, احبكم في الله"

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