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There are 135 comments on the topic :"Pregnancy Test The Doctor":The observer @ Mars 8 years ago "Did anyone else notice he was trying to give an ultrasound with a fucking computer mouse?"
Wow.. @ Mars 8 years ago "Was that genital warts on his dick?"
nut @ Mars 8 years ago "What is going on with his dick? Really turned me off :/"
WTF @ Mars 8 years ago "First of all, he used a computer mouse. Second of all, he has fucking genital warts on his dick and is not using a condom lmfao, she has genital warts now too"
BlackDude7in @ Mars 8 years ago "Motherfucker, Chop Off your fucking dick. Disgusting ass shit."
Bocfocic @ Mars 8 years ago "His dick really turned me on"
joomp @ Ghana 4 years ago "wft fuck some darth vader dick there"
musejus @ Mars 8 years ago "Wtf is on his dick?"
bill @ Mars 7 years ago "looks like he has a lego dick"
shame @ Mars 9 years ago "I will need years of therapy to get the image of his nasty dick out of my head"
maaam @ Mars 8 years ago "WTF"
Swans @ Mars 7 years ago "This bloke has grown some sort of alien cock.. The bizarrest cock ever.. And very strange holding his cock when he fucked her,, wonder why the poor girl went through with it"
sikasika @ Mars 8 years ago "If it was the doctor instead her husband, and a dick without that disgusting shit on it... It would've been a fukn hot scene"
Nigatello @ Mars 8 years ago "That is a fucking computer mouse in the beggining."
Sofia @ Mars 8 years ago "This dick and pussy are very very dirty and ugly hahahah"
damn @ Mars 8 years ago "Wtf was that and was that blood on his penis or poop daamn"
nooooooo @ Mars 9 years ago "Shame on you"
NO! @ Mars 9 years ago "NO NO NO NO NO NO WTF IS THAT????!!!!!!"
wtf @ Mars 9 years ago "horrible dick"
Yikes @ USA 5 years ago "She is so not into this yo"
fr_yyes @ Sweden 4 years ago "his dick turned me on and off
how to change @ Mars 8 years ago "city press this video is"
aids @ Mars 8 years ago "Dont do drug on dick"
lol @ Mars 8 years ago "is it a girl or a boy"
millón @ Mars 8 years ago "Wtf"
hhhh @ Mars 8 years ago "Ugly dick"
Lolwat @ Mars 8 years ago "WTF is wrong with his dick"
dsq @ Mars 9 years ago "Why is he using a mouse on her belly? lel"
bob @ Mars 9 years ago "wtfk the dick"
fml @ Mars 9 years ago "nastiest porn i've ever jacked of to.. i am ashamed"
Justnasty @ Mars 7 years ago "He played a recording of an ultrasound.. this is so stupid"
wac @ Mars 8 years ago "What's up with his cock"
Wtf @ Mars 8 years ago "Wtf is white his dick it looks like poop or someting"
wtf @ Mars 8 years ago "thats the ugliest dick i have ever seen"
bigd @ Mars 8 years ago "ooo, what the fuck is wrong with his dick, that is not normal....that kid is going to get cancer"
Smoker @ Mars 9 years ago "That dick is made in jail or with operation he got round boule for pleasuring wokmns is normal in europe :))) alot of people get this round boule in they dick to create pain and pleasure"
Jake-ShadowULTIMA @ USA 2 years ago "I’ve literally seen this woman on like more than 3 porn videos I think I would say that she definitely deserves to get this infection cuz she’s just risking her like especially the yet the fact how I bet she doesn’t care that she’s pregnant and that she has a whole newborn forming in her belly and yet while at this my dude isn’t even using a condom nor is he using anything that can atleast not cause the genital warts to infect her and her newborn at this rating I hope she learns a lessons :/"
Silverzilla2021 @ USA 3 years ago "I feel bad for the youngling and the wife cause she’s gonna have ganital on or in her vagina and the youngling is gonna have a infection this guy shouldn’t fuck any vaginas or add whole’s!so yeah thanks for making obnoxious and making me puke cause is sick is pretty nasty so he has no other choice but to cut it off because that’s his only choice all I have to say now is…..YOU THE MOST FUCKING DISGUSTING DICK!! I give this video a 0/10 the only I like is the woman’s vagina"
Mhhmm @ USA 4 years ago "What the f*** is going on with the p**** and the dick"
Omg really @ USA 5 years ago "She even let him ejaculate Upper cunt. Lmao"
people are fucking retarded @ Mars 8 years ago "another degenerate on the way... awesome...."
qwert @ Mars 8 years ago "AYYY LMAO! didn't notice the mouse in the ultrasound hahahah"
shenai @ Mars 9 years ago "super cool"
WTF @ Mars 9 years ago "That dick xD Is this the dick of Browser from Mario ?"
Ramon @ Mars 7 years ago "This is the real dick of the recidivist!"
Que carajo @ Mars 8 years ago "Lol"
Anonymous @ Mars 8 years ago "Jajaja Tiene garrapatas en la verga"
Karen @ Mars 8 years ago "↓↓ estoy excitada!!!!"
ARGUNTUM @ Mars 8 years ago "Buenos dias a todos , soy un hombre trabajador que vive solo en su departamento en Argentina. Me gustaría conocer a chicas que les guste mucho el sexo"
pene @ Mars 8 years ago "Alguien mas se dio cuenta de que el idiota que hizo la eco ocupo un mouse y que metió un vídeo en la tele?"
Horrible @ Mars 8 years ago "Ese hombre tiene una enfermedad de transmisión sexual, se la contagia a la mujer y la mujer al bebé!!!! No jodas!!!"
tijuana fc @ Mars 8 years ago "que asco ese hombre tiene una enfermedad de transmision sexual"
hola @ Mars 8 years ago "Xxx tienes razon"
Karen, la de petes gratis @ Mars 8 years ago "Luego del 293... Sigue 638568"
Mi numero es @ Mars 8 years ago "2932"
Prrito Chachondito @ Mars 8 years ago "Deliciosa nena, HailGrasa papus"
Puff @ Mars 8 years ago "Quiero sexo"
XXX @ Mars 8 years ago "Que asco ese pene! Yo no me dejaría coger así"
Vampira @ Brazil 4 years ago "O pau desse homem tá cheio de doença que nojo"
ME GUSTA ESTO! @ Mars 8 years ago "Y despues salio el bebe XD"
Embarazada @ Mars 8 years ago "Omg"
Pito @ Mars 7 years ago "Nimms yo no me cojeria a una embarazada"
pamela @ Mars 8 years ago "Que asco de mierda xc"
Karen @ Mars 8 years ago "Soy karen, la de Petes gratis"
Karen @ Mars 8 years ago "Hola, hago petes gratis, si quieren escriban a éste número de argentina 2932"
israel97 @ Mars 8 years ago "cachondita vamos a cojer que dices"
Che assurdità, vale la pena? @ Mars 8 years ago "La stupidità dell'uomo non finirà MAI per STUPIRMI."
maccheccazzo @ Mars 8 years ago "ma che cazzo di video è? un pisello pieno di zecche e un ecografo mouse mandateaffanculo"
chris @ Mars 8 years ago "le zecche trasmetotno la malattia di lime.. quel uomo ha ancora poco da vivere.. ma visto è un idiota non mancherà a nessuno"
Chris @ Mars 8 years ago "hahahahaahah ecografo un mouse... e poi son passati dalla ecografia a lei che viene leccata male visto il viso sofferente... signori un porno non è solo metti e togli..."
eezo @ Mars 8 years ago "Nie kurwa nie można."
Seex @ Mars 8 years ago "Mozna po polsku"
MAPPORCODIO @ Mars 8 years ago "Seriamente? Tagliati quelle cazzo di zecche dal cazzo!"
mik @ Mars 8 years ago "Buahahaha"
Jorge @ Mars 8 years ago "Ballan a gogle y busquen inplantes de pene y metanse en imajenes y ai ban a ver como son en la carcel se los ponen muchos"
Pene erecto18 @ Mars 8 years ago "Puto asco parecen garrapatas"
pgk, @ Mars 8 years ago "hola"
ala verga @ Mars 8 years ago "Q son hesas bolas ???"
El que tiene la razon @ Mars 8 years ago "Que esperaban de entretenimiento barato :v"
Rafel Camarena @ Mars 8 years ago "Belen grita mejor :V"
El flako @ Mars 8 years ago "Que asqueroso"
Penegerande78 @ Mars 8 years ago "Que carajos tiene en el pene que puto asco"
Tu Gfe @ Mars 8 years ago "Que verga es eso >:v"
dead pool @ Mars 8 years ago "Gacala eso da asco"
cristian ramirez @ Mars 8 years ago "Nmz ala,berga el bato con el pene lleno de mesquinos o no se q,mierdas sea y asi la vieja se dejo cojernmz q puto asco aarr ala madre agan videos chidos no pendejadas q dan,asco"
8cho @ Mars 8 years ago "woooooooow"
._. @ Mars 8 years ago "Que puto asco wn , Como te vas a meter esa mierda asquerosa weon"
name @ Mars 8 years ago "Cual implantes ese man es un sucio y la mujer peor"
name? @ Mars 8 years ago "cual es su nombre?"
oli @ Mars 8 years ago "solo cali"
Fierro pariente @ Mars 8 years ago "Q puto asco"
elhoy @ Mars 8 years ago "Qué puto pene asqueroso"
fgjjjdjd @ Mars 8 years ago "Bkkxjdn"
Jorge @ Mars 8 years ago "Son implantes que se ponene en el pene para que la mujer sienta mas placer"
Jorge @ Mars 8 years ago "No es ninguna enfermedad en el pene"
QUE ASCO @ Mars 8 years ago "Pobre mina ... te va a contagiar"
Ascooooooo @ Mars 8 years ago "Esepenetiene verrugas es una enfermedadde trasmision sexual es contagioso"
no mames @ Mars 8 years ago "Que pene tan raro"
Carlos @ Mars 8 years ago "Le esta haciendo un ultrasonido con un mouse y una tele con VHS... algo esta sospechoso, creo que no es un medico certificado."
Bienvenidos al mundo del sida @ Mars 8 years ago "Tiene sida"
karl @ Mars 8 years ago "Xuxa hay que cortale ese pene xuxa con esa hembarasadad"
PUTO ASCO!!!! @ Mars 8 years ago "ese pene no es normal!!!!! ._."
Ala verga @ Mars 8 years ago "Q asco tienes rason el pene"
Asco @ Mars 8 years ago "Por más excitada que este yo no me dejo follar por una polla asi"
Vidrio18 @ Mars 8 years ago "Que asco que demonios era eso maldita sea"
nic @ Mars 8 years ago "todos tienen razon hasta el de papilo yo que pero eso"
pene @ Mars 8 years ago "eso es el virus del papiloma humano VPH investiguen para que vean que es eso lo que tiene ese hombre y eso se transmite"
Alma Marcela Silva de Alegría @ Mars 8 years ago "Desde cuando los ultrasonidos se hacen con un mouse? xddd
#hailgrasa :v"
Garrapatas @ Mars 8 years ago "Ese mae q dice q le sale por el pubico y varaz haci mae eso es de fenomenos men valla al medico aga algo xk eso no es normas y lo que el tiene sin garrapatas"
Que puta cerdada @ Mars 8 years ago "Que puta mierda tiene ese men en el pene?"
Que asco @ Mars 8 years ago "Ese pene creo que tenia verrugas o creo que son lunares xD que asco a mi unas 2 veces me salio granos en el pene en mi pubico donde hay pelos xD como nadie me conoce xD pero eso de verdad paso hasta lo revente grano eran pequeñoa tambien me salio un grano en el cuello y tambien me sale en la espalda la cara y en mi orena y tengo muchos puntos negros en mi nariz bueno en fin pero que asco lo que tenia su pene"
jearlos @ Mars 8 years ago "ese pene tiene PVH que asco"
Cristiano Ronaldo SIIIIIIIIIII @ Mars 8 years ago "Porque no embaraze a irina :("
khe? @ Mars 8 years ago "Que mierda tenia en ese pene? 0.o"
xxnx @ Mars 8 years ago "gyjgjjfv"
fhffv @ Mars 8 years ago "vcnb"
mr j @ Mars 9 years ago "Cette teube est ilegal"
puke @ Mars 9 years ago "puke"
Hhhh @ Mars 8 years ago "Tiene granos en la verga. Ni aunke . page . lo kojo k asko"
LP :v @ Mars 8 years ago "Que puto asco"
cachondita 89 @ Mars 8 years ago "Yo de pendeja dejo que me meta la verga llena de verrugas diuuu!!! El sexo es delicioso pero también es saber con quien si y con quien nunca ..."
KE ASCOOOOOOO @ Mars 8 years ago "PUTA MADRE LAS GARAPATAS, LE ESTA CHUPANDO LA SAGRE...... :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( ke asco"
Atlakhov @ Russia 3 years ago "Супер..."
Amgad @ Egypt 5 years ago "نفسي اكون مكانهم كسها جامد"