My Little Big Step-sister Likes To Compare Herself To Me All The Time HD
My little Step-sister Stacey has been d by my p@rents when she was 1 old and she is actually no that little anymore, By the age of 11 she was already taller than me and I'm not that short. I'm 183 cm which is 6'0". Today she is 21 years old and she is 199cm which is over 6'6. I think she is still growing and i don't know what will be her final height. She is not only tall she is also very big and muscular because she works out and lifting weights like 3 hours a day, 6 days a week for like years. I'm not a skinny dude but next to her I'm pretty slim. She is enjoin that fact very much because i was bullying her a lot when she was little and now I'm afraid of her. she always wants to show me how bigger she is than me so from time to time we compare and measure each other. I'm a bit humiliated now.
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